This page is perhaps the odd one out, but to the person or company in question it isn’t strange.
It’s about having a drink. And that’s what we offer every year. To our fastest paying customer (on average). As may be considered common knowledge, a trademark agency is a company and the aim of a company is to make money. Payment terms are not always observed. Although the Dutch mentality is often aimed at a special way of preventing late payment, namely collection letters after a week, a collection agency after four weeks and so on, we take a different path. Our creed: Don’t get angry with payers who are slightly late, but reward those who pay on time”.
Each year we announce the longest period taken by a customer to make full payment. For many years, the winning period has been a period of about 2 months. As mentioned in previous years, we do not publish the name of the fastest paying person or company, nor the name of the slowest paying person or company. The main thing is that both you and we know.
Thus, the fastest paying customer of the year 2021 will miss out on the fame and glory as best payer as it won’t be announced on our website. Sharing a secret is also fun. The now traditional box containing a bottle of champagne will be on its way one of these days. CHEERS and thanks for your good payment behaviour.